Mais que uma loja, uma experiência.

[Importado - Inglês]

To defeat The Rot, the unstoppable forces of decay terrorizing Earth, Animal Man has joined forces with the Swamp Thing, avatar of all plant life. With the combined strength of The Red and The Green, the two venture deep into The Rot to attack their enemy in its seat of power.
they were deceived. And as a result, The Rot was free to spread across the Earth unrestrained.
Baker returns to a world where this withering force of death has won, and nearly all of Earth’s heroes are its agents. With the help of John Constantine, Steel and the last few living heroes, Buddy must risk everything to ensure that Rotworld never takes root.
when you risk must be prepared to lose everything.

Animal Man The new 52 VOL. 1 E 3 (Importada) [Importado - Inglês]

Animal Man The new 52 VOL. 1 E 3 (Importada) [Importado - Inglês] R$30,00
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  • Gibi Maníacos Centro Empresarial Shopping 58 - R. Ferreira Borges, 58 - Loja R - Campo Grande, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 23050-350 - Atendimento de Segunda à Sexta das 10:00 às 19:00

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[Importado - Inglês]

To defeat The Rot, the unstoppable forces of decay terrorizing Earth, Animal Man has joined forces with the Swamp Thing, avatar of all plant life. With the combined strength of The Red and The Green, the two venture deep into The Rot to attack their enemy in its seat of power.
they were deceived. And as a result, The Rot was free to spread across the Earth unrestrained.
Baker returns to a world where this withering force of death has won, and nearly all of Earth’s heroes are its agents. With the help of John Constantine, Steel and the last few living heroes, Buddy must risk everything to ensure that Rotworld never takes root.
when you risk must be prepared to lose everything.